Recommended Antivirus Exclusions

Antivirus scanning can negatively affect Redactor’s performance. If possible, we recommend excluding the following locations in the AV settings:

  • C:\Program Files\Sighthound Redactor\

    This is where the application and binaries are located.

  • C:\ProgramData\Sighthound Redactor\

    The Sighthound Redactor license file is stored here for Desktop and Client/Server versions, plus the Client/Server version stores all of the source videos and redaction data here. This folder sees a lot of reads and writes in Client/Server, so it’s probably a good target.

  • (Desktop version only) C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Sighthound Redactor\

    Instead of using the ProgramData folder to store redaction data, the Desktop version stores it here. Each Windows user account that uses Sighthound Redactor will have this folder. Again, this sees a lot of reads/writes, so it’s a good target for AV.