Storage Settings

Automatic Cleanup


Automatic Cleanup is disabled by default.

If Automatic Cleanup is enabled, it will delete videos and/or redaction data that meet the thresholds set either by age or time since last used, by number of videos uploaded, or by disk space used.


  • By Age - Deletes videos that haven’t been used in X days.
  • By Number - Deletes the least recently used video after X videos exist on the server.
  • By Disk Space - Deletes the least recently used video once disk usage exceeds X GB.
  • Automatically delete redaction data - Delete least recently used redaction data item once disk usage exceeds X GB

Moving Data Storage Path

By default, the data storage path is C:\ProgramData\Sighthound Redactor\, but it can be moved by providing a fully qualified path to an existing drive or folder. Adding this folder to your normal system backups will ensure all redaction data is safe.*